About Ear Hematomas in Dogs

It is not unusual for a dog's ear to swell and develop an ear hematoma. When this happens, owners are often quite surprised by the appearance and size of the affected ear. While the painful swelling may eventually go down on its own, it is highly recommended to have the ear seen by a veterinarian promptly to prevent potential deformities.

  1. Definition

    • An ear hematoma medically referred to as an aural hematoma, is an accumulation of blood within the underlying surface of the ear's pinna (ear flap). This occurs when the small blood vessels in the ear rupture, causing blood to quickly accumulate and fill up the space in the ear flap.


    • Affected dogs generally develop the following symptoms: an obvious swollen pinna (ear flap), pain upon palpation, tilted head and pawing and scratching at the ear.


    • In order for an ear hematoma to develop, the dog must have a history of head shaking and ear scratching. This explains how the small blood vessels rupture in the first place, causing the obvious swelling.


    • An aural hematoma is usually diagnosed upon examination, however, the veterinarian may perform a needle aspirate to confirm that the dog is dealing with an ear hematoma or an ear abscess. In the case of an ear hematoma the needle will aspirate blood, in the cases of an abscess, the needle will aspirate pus.


    • Treatment consists of a surgical procedure where a small cannula is inserted into the ear flap to drain the blood out. Another option consists of cutting the pinna open allowing the fluid to escape out, and then suturing the ear back. Because ear hematomas are often the result of excess ear scratching and head shaking, underlying ear problems must be addressed as well.


    • Aural hematoma is a condition that must receive veterinary attention. If left untreated, it is very likely that the ear will thicken and develop unsightly scars and become deformed, often exhibiting what veterinarians refer to as ''cauliflower ear'.'