Atopica in Dogs

Atopica, made by Novartis Animal Health, is prescribed to treat atopic dermatitis in dogs. Atopic dermatitis is a skin disease caused by allergies. In most cases, animals with this disease must be treated throughout their lives. Atopica is an alternative to other medications that have less desirable side effects.

  1. What Is Atopica?

    • Atopica is an advanced treatment for atopic dermatitis. It focuses on the actual cells within the body that are responsible for the allergic reaction. By blocking the dog's response to the allergy, Atopica can reduce a dog's scratching, biting and other signs of discomfort. Atopica comes in a gel capsule.

    Side Effects

    • The most commonly reported side effect is gastrointestinal issues. Gingival hyperplasia, the overgrowth of gum tissue, has been reported in trials. Papillomas, similar to warts, can also present themselves during the initial treatment. Atopica also inhibits the immune system, making a dog susceptible to other infections during treatment. Overall, Atopica is considered safe for long-term use.

    How Does Atopica Compare?

    • Steroids are the most common treatment of atopic dermatitis. Steroids provide fast relief of symptoms but can negatively affect many organs. They also increase a dog's thirst and hunger. Extended use of steroids can lead to urinary incontinence.


    • Steroids are extremely effective in treating atopic dermatitis, but their side effects can be life- threatening. Atopica provides a safer alternative and adds the benefit of preventing some long-term diseases, like Cushing's Disease. But it is more costly: The average price of Atopica is about $3 per day, depending on the dosage amount for your dog.


    • Atopica can be harmful to children if accidentally ingested. Wash your hands and all items that come in contact with the capsule during administration. Be sure your dog receives killed-virus vaccinations instead of live-virus because of his weakened immune system from Atopica treatment. Follow dosing instructions carefully and give the medication at the same time each day, followed by food one hour later.