Natural Dog Illness Remedies

When your dog is feeling bad or hurting or you can see something is wrong, you will need to help him or her, since dogs are dependent upon us for their care. Most of the time, it is best to take your dog to a veterinarian, who can analyze and diagnose the problem. But sometimes it is not possible to do this. That's when it is good to know a home remedy for the problem. The more you know, the more you can help your dog.

  1. When to Seek Medical Help

    • First of all, there are some situations when it is necessary to take your pet to an animal medical expert. These are when there is any bleeding, when your pet cannot stand up, when you see a wound, when the dog cannot breathe and gasps for air, when the dog cannot urinate or move bowels but still tries to, when your pet has a fever of 104 degrees or more and when your pet has a seizure or is in extreme or continuous pain. At times like this, do not try to treat your pet at home; call a veterinarian.

    When to Treat Your Dog Yourself

    • When your pet has some kind of condition that is not severe, but perhaps is irritating or could become dangerous to your dog's health, there may be a home remedy for it. There are some over-the-counter remedies for certain kinds of conditions which really work.

      First of all, ear mites can be treated with mineral, almond or olive oil by pouring some into the ear canal and massaging the back of the ear until the oil goes down into the canal, smothering the mites. Hold the dog's head still while you do it to keep him from shaking it. After a few minutes, use a cotton ball to swab the upper canal and remove excess oil and dirt. After that, you will need to treat your dog every other day for a month by filling the canal with green tea or a purchased ear wash to get rid of the mites for good.

      There are other over the counter remedies to cure certain conditions in dogs, but some of the best things to have in your medicine cabinet for your pet are: vaseline and soothing powders (for irritated skin), baby aspirin or buffered aspirin in small doses (for pain or inflammation), Hydrogen Peroxide (to get rid of hot spots on skin), anti-inflammatory or cortisone spray or cream (for itching, insect stings, allergies, swelling), canned pumpkin (for vomiting or diarrhea) and mineral oil (to relieve constipation).

    Is There a Cure for Fleas and Ticks?

    • The solution for flea and tick infestation is to prevent them getting on your dog. Although puppies cannot be treated with "flea drops" purchased from your vet, flea powders and shampoos can temporarily keep them away. Young dogs can be treated with "flea drops" after 3 months, and a flea collar can enhance the protection.