Robitussin for Dogs

Robitussin, also known as dextromethorphan, is a common over-the-counter medication used in humans as an effective cough suppressant. However, when feasible, Robitussin may be prescribed by veterinarians in dogs as well to treat various mild respiratory conditions.

  1. Considerations

    • Robitussin is not FDA approved for use in animals. However, under certain circumstances, dextromethorphan may be recommended by a veterinarian as an extra-label drug to help suppress dry, hacking coughs. Robitussin should not be used for productive coughs.


    • Dextromethorphan is dispensed in liquid and in tablet form. While dextromethorphan sometimes comes combined with acetominophen, caffeine, alcohol or other medications, such combination products must be avoided as these may cause severe side effects or even death. Read the content labeling carefully.


    • Robitussin works by suppressing the dog's cough reflex in the brain. It effectively breaks the cough cycle, allowing the dog's respiratory tract to become less irritated, finally allowing it to heal.


    • Robitussin is prescribed by veterinarians to treat various respiratory conditions characterized by dry, unproductive coughs such as kennel cough, chronic bronchitis and tracheal prolapse.


    • Generally, Robitussin is administered every 12 hours at a dosage of 0.5 to 1 milligrams (mg) per pound. Veterinarians will decide the dosage and length of treatment depending on the condition treated and the dog's response to it.


    • Robitussin may not be effective as the stronger narcotic cough suppressants; however, it can be helpful in treating minor coughs and it is conveniently sold over the counter. However, owners of coughing dogs should never administer human medications without consulting with a veterinarian to avoid risks of over-dosage. Your dog's cough may be caused by heart disease or heartworms, requiring different treatment.