Medication for a Bladder Infection in Dogs

Dogs get urinary tract infections when bacteria get into the tract and begin to reproduce. Female dogs get urinary or bladder infections more often than male dogs because they have a shorter urethra, allowing bacteria to get into their systems more quickly. If your dog is exhibiting symptoms of a urinary tract or bladder infection, which can lead to more serious medical issues if not treated promptly, she should see a veterinarian immediately.

  1. Symptoms

    • Symptoms of a bladder infection include blood in the urine, fatigue, fever, foul smelling urine, straining when urinating, tenderness in the lower stomach and urinating in inappropriate places.


    • A course of antibiotics--most often cephalexin or amoxicillin--is prescribed for a bladder infection. The antibiotics will likely be given for 10 days, and a second round of treatment might be necessary if the condition doesn't resolve itself after the first course.

    Home Care

    • Provide your dog with cranberry juice, because the berries have properties that keep bacteria from attaching to the walls of the bladder. Take your dog out to potty more frequently than usual--you do not want her holding her urine during recovery. Make sure your dog drinks plenty of water so she will urinate more often, expelling the bacteria that are making her sick.


    • You may wish to consult a homeopathic veterinarian in treating your dog's bladder infection if you prefer not to use an antibiotic treatment. A homeopathic veterinarian will examine the dog's diet, suggesting changes to improve overall health. Treatments that include herbal remedies, acupuncture and other natural medicines will also be prescribed.


    • To prevent future occurrences of bladder infections, bathe your dog regularly. Ensure she drinks plenty of water each day and take her out every few hours to ensure she isn't holding his urine too long, which can lead to a buildup of bacteria. Walking your dog regularly also stimulates her to urinate more often.