What to Give a Dog for Sore Aching Joints

When you notice that your dog is reluctant to walk or jump when he hasn't been in the past, sore joints or arthritis may be the culprit. If that's the case, you can make your dog more comfortable and help him look forward to playing fetch again.

  1. Anti-Inflammatories

    • These are typically recommended for dogs suffering from sore or stiff joints, and a variety of them can be taken with painkillers.

    Human versus Pet Medicine

    • Aspirin for humans can be used for dogs, but versions specifically designed for pets are the safest for your pet to take. If you find yourself in a bind and aren't able to make it to the vet for a prescription, baby aspirin is the safest option.


    • This drug given by injection over a four-week period stimulates the production of joint fluid and prevents further damage.


    • Rimadyl is a painkiller that can be used on a long-term basis with very few side effects.


    • Corticosteroids are steroids commonly prescribed for dogs with joint pain due to arthritis.


    • Only a certified veterinarian can offer the best advice for your dog's specific problems.