Many dogs will eat anything, no matter how harmful it is to them. Most of the time, their systems can flush toxins out fairly efficiently. However, there are certain foods that dog owners should make sure their pets never eat.
Onions have a poisonous compound in them called thiosulphate. Eating it can lead to anemia. Do not give your pet onions of any form: cooked, dehydrated, on pizza, etc.
Corn is not safe for dogs to digest. It can lead to problems with their bowels and make them bloated.
While it does take a large amount of chocolate to kill a dog, it's best to avoid this food. It contains a toxin called theobromine that adversely effects the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
Raisins and grapes
When consumed in quantities as small as 2 ounces, raisins and grapes contain a toxin that is very poisonous to dogs. If ingested, it can cause kidney damage and can lead to death.
In larger quantities salt can cause an imbalance of electrolytes in your dog. Do not ever sprinkle salt on their food, and refrain from giving them highly salted table scraps.