Why Do My Dog's Ears Smell?

Foul odor coming from a dog's ears usually means the dog has an ear infection, and probably has had the infection for awhile. The smell in the ears may be accompanied by reddened ear flaps or a discharge from the ears.

  1. Causes

    • Ear infections occur when the bacteria and yeast are too numerous within the ear and moisture builds up. Other causes are heredity, allergies and skin diseases.

    Susceptible dogs

    • Dogs with long ears are more likely to develop chronic ear infections because of the moisture held in by long ear flaps. Dogs with skin allergies or those with a lot of hair in the ears may also develop chronic ear infections.


    • Using cleaning solutions specifically for dogs' ears helps to prevent ear infections. Groomers can also help by plucking an overabundance of hair in the dog's ears.


    • Depending on the cause of the ear infection, a veterinarian will prescribe an antibacterial or antifungal to be applied directly into the ear. Be sure to give all of the medication, or the ear infection may flare up again.


    • If chronic ear infections result in thickened ear canals, surgery may be necessary to remove part of the outer ear canal. This surgery improves air circulation in the dog's ears.