Natural Ways to Prevent Fleas

If you have a pet in the home, you are constantly waging a war against fleas. The best form of flea control is to prevent the infestation in the first place. You can do this efficiently and naturally, without exposing your home or pets to hazardous chemicals. Flea prevention is a matter of keeping your pet healthy, and your home cleaned and vacuumed.

  1. Preventing Fleas on Fido

    • Keeping your pet healthy goes a long way in preventing fleas. Fleas love to hide in tangled, dirty hair on animals. Bathe your pet in all natural shampoos that have smells that fleas don't like, such as lavender. Fleas also shy aware from pets that have been rinsed in vinegar water or lemon juice. After you have bathed the animal, follow up with a cool rinse of three parts water to one part vinegar. Use apple cider vinegar, it doesn't smell as bad.
      Along with a healthy diet of pet food, some veterinarians Such as Dr. Richard Pitcairn, author of "Dr. Pitcairn's Complete Guide to Natural Health for Dogs and Cats" advocate feeding the animal a small amount of garlic. Dr. Pitcairn advises that the garlic is good for both the digestive system and the prevention of fleas and worms.
      Dr. David Rowe of the Clarkson Veterinary Clinic warns that garlic is toxic to pets. Opinions vary widely, so if you chose to feed the garlic as a flea preventative, it would be wise to ask your vet's opinion, before offering the garlic along with the regular food.

    Regular Cleaning Routine

    • A natural way to prevent fleas in your home is to keep a constant vigil on the cleaning. Regular vacuuming of the carpets is essential when fighting fleas. Flea eggs can live in the carpets for weeks. Vacuum all carpets daily, if suspect you may have a flea problem.
      Remove the vacuumed debris from the house as soon as you are done. If you leave the bag in the vacuum, or the dirt in the canister, any fleas you picked up will find their way out and be back in your home. Take the bag or canister outside and dispose of the debris in a sealed trash container.
      Vacuum sofas and chairs that the pet has access to as well. Keep the pet's bedding washed or vacuumed. Mop all floors that the pet comes into contact with. Many cleaners come with a lavender scent that will ward off fleas.

    Watch Where You Walk Your Pet

    • Large dog parks are great for Fido's interaction with other animals, but they are also a breeding ground for fleas. If the park or walking area doesn't seem to be clean enough, walk your dog somewhere else. It is also best to avoid letting your dog get close to dogs that do not seem to be well kept.
      When you have taken your dog outside or on an adventure, check him or her over as soon as you get home. Comb the fur thoroughly with a flea comb to make certain your pet hasn't picked up a hitchhiker. It doesn't take but a second for a flea to jump from one animal to another.