Why Does My Dog Chew on Her Skin?

There are a few possible reasons why your dog may chew on her own skin. For dogs, chewing is a form of scratching. Pests, such as fleas and ticks, and other conditions such as allergies can cause intense itching for your dog. This will cause them to scratch and bite at their skin.

  1. Identification

    • There are many reasons as to why dogs chew on their skin. Identifying the problem is an important step in treating your pet. Fleas, ticks and other external parasites are easily diagnosed. If you find none of these culprits, your dog may need a trip to the vet to check for possible allergies.


    • Quite often, fleas are the culprit when a dog chews. Without proper flea prevention, fleas bite and cause itching. Dogs will often bite at the skin where the flea has just bitten them. When this happens the itch should go away in a short time.


    • Dogs, just like their owners, can have allergies. In fact, they may share some of the same allergies. These can range from the common, such as soap and pollen allergies, to the unusual, such to grass or sunlight. Food allergies can also affect your dog.

    Skin Problems

    • Some dogs just tend to have dry itchy skin. In other cases, if a dog has come into contact with poison ivy or another toxic plant, her skin will react. Chewing brings some relief and helps her to scratch the itch. The saliva that accompanies chewing puts some temporary moisture in the skin.


    • Sometimes dogs chew simply because it is a nervous habit, much like a person chewing their fingernails. This could be due to any number of causes from separation anxiety to a disruption in their normal routine, such as a new baby in the house, or even boredom.

    Prevention and Solution

    • Because there is potential for your dog to permanently scar her skin (at the least) or have a serious health problem (at the worst), it is a good idea to have a veterinarian check your dog to find the reason she chews. Most cases are treatable, and knowing you have tried to make her more comfortable is certainly worth it.