The traditional veterinary cure for canine urinary tract infections (UTI) is a two-week course of antibiotics. While this will cure the infection efficiently, antibiotics introduce other problems to a dog̵7;s system such as digestive issues and antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which can cause problems in recurrent infections. Herbal, homeopathic and home remedies treat urinary tract infections without the use of antibiotics, in the case of mild cystitis or urethritis.
Which Herbs are Best
Many herbs recommended for treatment of canine urinary tract infections are the same herbs used to treat human UTIs: Kinnikinnick or uva ursi (Arctostaphylos uva ursi) has antiseptic effects; European barberry (Berberis vulgaris), Oregon Grape (Berberis nervosa) and goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis) all contain berberine which acts as a disinfectant and boosts the immune system. Some herbs are known to be harmful in pregnant or nursing dogs, so consult an experienced herbalist or a naturopathic veterinarian for the proper dosage of any herbal medicine.
Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic remedies for canine urinary tract infections also follow the path of human curatives. Cantharis (Spanish fly) is given for cystitis (bladder infection) and the stinging pain and difficulty passing urine associated with urinary tract infections. Staphysagris (stave sacre or palmated larkspur) soothes cystitis, difficulty passing urine associated with prostate problems and other urine retention issues.
Herbal Home Care
Get as much water as possible into your dog to help fight the infection. Water is needed to flush the bacteria out of the system. Cranberry juice has long been known to discourage bacterial growth in the urinary tract. Dogs can benefit from cranberry juice too, if you can get it inside them. Try freezing pure, unsweetened cranberry juice in an ice cube tray and presenting the ice cubes to the dog. Or inject the juice into the dog̵7;s mouth with a syringe. You can purchase cranberry caplets at health food stores and give these to a dog, if the juice does not go down. Orange juice, pink grapefruit juice and blueberry juice also have healing properties for the urinary tract, and vitamin C for acidifying the urine̵2;which bacteria do not like.