Signs of Organ Failure in Dogs

A dog can't tell us when it doesn't feel well. But a dog will show signs of illness through its behavior. When a dog eats grass, it may be a sign of an illness. A dog's nose, should always be moist. If a dog's nose is dry, this may be a sign of illness. Any abnormal behavior that a dog shows, should be watched closely. Abnormal behaviors could be signs of serious conditions, that could result in organ failure.

  1. Organ Failure from Poisoning

    • If your dog has ingested poison, the organs may be affected simultaneously. A dog that has ingested poison will have intense vomiting. A poisoned dog will usually foam at the mouth. When the organs begin to fail, the dog will stumble or stagger when it tries to walk. While sitting, the dog may sway back and forth in a rocking motion. The dog's vision may become blurry, and it may crawl on its belly instead of walking. The dog will experience difficulty breathing, which will result in excessive panting. In the final stages of organ failure, the dog may begin to have seizures, or shake violently.

    Signs of Heart Failure

    • A dog that is experiencing heart failure will show signs of a lack of oxygen throughout the body. The dog's gums will have a grayish or bluish color to them, instead of the normal pink color. The dog will cough in an effort to remove fluid from the lungs. The dog may pant excessively, due to the lack of oxygen. The dog may stand with its front legs spread apart, with its head in a lowered position. This is done in an effort to allow more air into the lungs. The dog's abdomen may appear swollen; swelling is caused from a build up of fluid. The dog may pace, in an effort to relieve pain. Or, the dog may lie down and be unwilling to get up.

    Signs of Liver Failure

    • One of the most common conditions of liver failure in a dog is Jaundice. Jaundice will cause a yellowish color of the gums and mucous membranes. Urine color may have an orange tint. Feces may appear to be very pale in color. There is usually swelling in the abdomen, which is caused from fluid accumulation. The dog may also experience vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation. Chronic weight loss is also a sign of liver failure, due to a lack of appetite.

    Signs of Kidney Failure

    • Excessive thirst, as well as frequent urination, are early signs of kidney failure in a dog. Advanced stages of kidney failure in a dog will include frequent urinary tract infections. During this advanced stage of kidney failure, the dog will experience muscle weakness and depression. Ulcers will develop in the dog's mouth. You may notice that the dog has very bad breath. The dog will experience vomiting and diarrhea. The dog may show signs of chronic weight loss, due to a loss of appetite. Because of the weakness caused from kidney failure, the dog may lie down and be unwilling to move.

    Common Signs of Organ Failure

    • In a dog, each major organ, the heart, kidneys, and the liver, will have its own signs and symptoms of failure. These specific signs of organ failure in a dog, will occur as they are prevalent to a particular organ. However, there are common signs, which will pertain to all dogs experiencing failure of any major organ. These common signs will include vomiting, diarrhea, weakness and loss of appetite.