How to Increase a Dog's Weight

While obesity is a common problem among dogs today, other dogs are underweight. The dog might be recovering from an illness or she might be less interested in food because it is too hot or she is depressed or stressed. Getting your pup to put on some pounds starts with a plan.

Things You'll Need

  • Underweight dog Scale Weekly log Dog food Supplements Appetite stimulants Treats


  1. How to Help Your Skinny Dog Gain Weight

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      Start a weight-gain program by getting the dog's initial weight. This way you can keep track of the dog's weight and progress over time. The weight should be recorded on a weekly log and dated.

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      Pick a high-quality dog food that provides all the necessary nutrients. An AAFCO-approved seal may be seen on dog foods that contain what a dog needs in his diet. Your veterinarian might suggest the most appropriate diet for your underweight dog. In some cases, a veterinarian might recommend puppy food for an adult dog.

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      A veterinarian may recommend supplements containing vitamins and minerals. Consult a vet before administering any supplements to avoid over-supplementing your dog's diet.

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      Appetite stimulants might be prescribed if the dog has lost his appetite. Prescription diets are available for dogs that are anorexic and in need of extra calories.

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      Incorporating some healthy treats during the day can help your dog gain weight. Add some obedience training and give the treats as a reward.

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      Dogs that do not gain weight or lose weight suddenly should be seen by a veterinarian to make sure they aren't suffering from parasites, diabetes, malabsorption, underlying heart disease or even cancer. A thorough medical exam is recommended in such cases.