What Foods Should Not Be Fed to a Dog?

Dogs are generally not fussy eaters, especially the larger breeds, who have been known to eat just about everything. Dogs do not instinctively know what foods are good for them and which are bad for them. This is a probably a holdover from the times of the earliest dogs, who routinely hunted and often scavenged what they could.

  1. Chocolate

    • Dogs should not be fed food high in sugar. Of particular note: Never, ever feed a dog chocolate. Chocolate has been known to kill dogs because it contains theobromine. Dark chocolate contains the most theobromine.

    Raw Foods

    • Raw eggs, raw fish and raw liver can contain salmonella or other bacteria that can kill a dog. Do not let the dog have access to the garbage that may contain these foods.


    • Any foods in the garlic family should be avoided--both regular and wild garlic--and, also, never feed a dog onions. Foods containing large amounts of onion or garlic powder should also be avoided.


    • Grapes, peach pits and plum pits can cause choking. Persimmons have been known to block digestive tracts. Raisins (as well as grapes) can contain a kidney-harming toxin, although according to Michael Richards, DVM, a dog needs to eat a lot before it is affected.


    • Dogs should also stay away from alcoholic beverages and yeast dough.