What to Do for Dog Rash & Hair Loss

Treating a dog with a rash or hair loss will make your pet more comfortable and prevent the recurrence of the condition. There are several different causes for itching and hair loss.

One common cause of itching and rash is flea allergy dermatitis (hot spots), an allergic reaction to flea bites. Exposure to toxic substances, such as detergent, can also cause itching and rash. Finally, a serious underlying cause might be mange, an infection caused by mites. If you suspect that your dog has mange, have your veterinarian diagnose the type of mange and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

  1. Stop the Itching

    • There are a variety of solutions available to stop the dog's itching. One of the first lines of defense is a good shampoo. Oatmeal, aloe and tea tree oil can help to ease itching. You can use medicated shampoos to wash your dog, and many dog shampoos will kill fleas and mites as well. However, do not use human shampoo on your dog; it may be too harsh for canine skin. You can also use an antihistamine, such as Benadryl, to stop the itching. As always, check with your veterinarian if you have any doubt about the best treatment.

    Heal the Skin

    • Tea tree oil can be a good solution for healing your dog's skin. You'll also need to prevent the dog from scratching and biting the irritated area. You may need to use the "Elizabethan collar" to keep the dog from scratching. If your dog has mange, check with your veterinarian to determine the best solution.

    Prevent Rash and Hair Loss

    • Because flea allergies are a common cause of skin irritation, use consistent flea prevention. This may include topical applications to your dog's skin, as well as controlling fleas inside and outside your home. There are also various homeopathic remedies, such as neem oil.