When a Dog Keeps Coughing for No Reason

While a dog's cough during meal time can be simply due to a piece of kibble going down the wrong way, sometimes there are instances where a dog may begin to cough for no apparent reason. More often than not, there is however, a valid cause for the dog's cough.

  1. Kennel Cough

    • If your dog coughs and gags and has been exposed to other dogs, Kennel Cough (Bordetella), is often at the top of the list as being the suspected cause, especially if the dog has no history of being vaccinated against this disease.

    Heart worm Disease

    • Heart worm disease is transmitted by infected mosquitoes which upon biting, deposit larvae under the skin and into the bloodstream. The larvae then migrate to the heart causing unexplained coughing episodes and complications, which when left untreated can lead to potential death.

    Heart Disease

    • Dogs affected by heart disease such as congestive heart failure, tend to develop an enlarged heart which eventually puts pressure on the airways causing unexplained bouts of coughing. For this reason, unexplained coughing in dogs should never be underestimated.

    Tracheal Collapse

    • This condition is commonly seen in small dog breeds and occurs when the dog's tracheal rings begin to weaken eventually collapsing. The cough produced in this condition often presents as similar to a ''goose honk'' and advanced cases often require surgery.


    • Dogs can be allergic to grasses and pollens just as humans, therefore, their respiratory tract may react to such irritants by triggering coughing episodes.

    Expert Insight

    • When a dog develops an unexplained cough that does not seem to go away, it is highly advisable to have him/her properly assessed and diagnosed by a veterinarian.