Fluoxetine Side Effects in Dogs

Dogs can have behavioral disorders including separation anxiety, fear of people and other dogs and obsessive-compulsive disorder just as humans can. Fluoxetine also is marketed for our canine friends under the names of Reconcile and Prozac and is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor that reduces aggression and elevates mood. It causes serotonin to last longer for a feeling of less anxiety, obsession and depression for a canine family member who is a "nervous Nellie."

  1. Minor Side Effects

    • Fluoxetine can cause your dog to be tired and rest more often than normal. He may experience stomach upset, restlessness, irritability and anxiety from the medication. Some furry friends have a loss of appetite and offering tastier foods may help to increase his intake. Veterinary Partners reports about 22 percent of patients lose 5 to 10 percent of their weight and 6 percent lose 10 to 15 percent of their initial body weight.

    Continued Veterinarian Care

    • If your dog does not regain his appetite or becomes aggressive, notify your veterinarian for instructions. Fluoxetine can alter sugar levels in the blood and a diabetic dog needs to be monitored closely while taking this medication. Liver function monitoring while on this drug is necessary because it is removed from the body by your pet's liver. Call your vet immediately if your pet develops a yellowish tint to his skin or gums, as this is a sign of liver problems.