Digestive Problems in Dogs

Sometimes dogs have issues with their digestive system. As long as this isn't something that happens consistently, there should be no reason for worry. However, some dogs constantly have digestive problems, but the important thing is to find out what exactly is causing the problem. Usually, one of five issues is to blame. Once the culprit is found, the problem can be treated.

  1. Change in Food

    • Some people don't think anything about changing the food their dog is eating. This can wreak havoc with a dog's digestive system, though. It gets used to eating the same food each and every day, and when that changes, it disrupts its entire system. To change a dog's food, it needs to be done gradually. The best way to do this is to introduce the new food over a period of one to two weeks by mixing it with the dog's old food.

    Food Allergies

    • Dogs, much like people, experience food allergies. Some dogs have a difficult time digesting anything that contains soy, corn or wheat. This can cause them distress each time they eat. To alleviate this problem, put the dog on a rice-based diet. There are a number of dog foods out there that are made with rice.

    Eating Something Inappropriate

    • If not watched closely, a dog will try to eat anything it sees. Many things that humans eat are not meant for dogs. If a dog gets into something it shouldn't be eating, it can suffer severe consequences, digestively speaking. Things dogs should stay away from are chocolate, spicy foods, salty foods and anything from the table that has been overly processed. By keeping dogs away from these items, their digestive systems should stay healthy.


    • Certain parasites can cause digestive discomfort in dogs. If it is suspected that a dog has parasites, a visit to the veterinarian is needed. Dogs can get diarrhea and terrible gas from worms, so it is imperative that the dog be checked by a veterinarian and dewormed, if necessary.


    • Dogs that constantly lick or clean themselves are in danger of getting hairballs in their system. This can be a big problem for dogs with long hair because the hair can ball up in the digestive tract and actually cause a blockage to occur. This leads to constipation, which can be quite uncomfortable, and even painful, for a dog. If this does happen, be sure to keep the dog on a strict diet, give it plenty water and make sure it gets enough exercise. Also, try to monitor the cleaning in the future.