How to Relieve Puppy Constipation

Constipation in puppies can be caused by improper diet, low water intake, lack of exercise, some medications, an intestinal blockage, hairballs or matting of fur around the anus. Occasional constipation that responds to home treatment is not a cause for concern. Frequent bouts of constipation or constipation with coexisting symptoms of pain, dehydration or odd behavior is cause for veterinarian treatment.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Fiber
  • Olive oil
  • Scissors


    • 1

      Encourage your puppy to drink water, since water is necessary for hydration and good bowel movements. If your puppy is bottle fed, dilute the puppy milk replacement formula with a little water to provide extra hydration. If your puppy eats solid food, add a little warm water to the food.

    • 2

      Stimulate a young puppies bowels (a puppy 4 weeks or younger) by wiping the anus gently with a warm wash cloth.

    • 3

      Add 1 teaspoon of fiber to your puppies food, if your puppy eats solid food, to help encourage a bowel movement. Canned pumpkin (straight pumpkin, not the pumpkin pie filling) and oat bran are both high quality fiber sources.

    • 4

      Pour 1 teaspoon of olive oil into your puppies food to help lubricate feces and encourage a bowel movement.

    • 5

      Give your puppy cow's milk to stimulate the bowels. Puppies under three months of age or under 10 pounds should be give 1/8 of a cup of cow's milk. Puppies over three months of age or above 10 pounds should be give 1/4 of a cup of cow's milk. Cow's milk should only be offered on a rare occasion because puppies are lactose intolerant and cow's milk causes diarrhea. In the case of chronic constipation, a one time offering of cow's milk is appropriate.

    • 6

      Check your puppies fur around the anus to make sure the fur has not become matted and obstructed the anal opening. If the fur is obstructing the anal opening, carefully trim the matted fur.

    • 7

      Give long hair puppies an over-the-counter canine hairball laxative if you suspect that a hair blockage is the cause of constipation. Puppies with long hair who lick themselves a lot sometimes get hairballs. Use the dosage recommended by the manufacturer for your puppies weight.

    • 8

      Play tug of war, catch or chase with your puppy to encourage exercise, which helps to stimulate the bowels.

    • 9

      Take your puppy to a veterinarian if constipation is not relieved after trying all of the above remedies. Constipation in young puppies that lasts more than three days is cause for a visit to the veterinarian. Constipation that lasts for too long can be dangerous.