Symptoms of Canine Liver Cancer

The liver is a very vulnerable place for cancer in dogs because of the size of the organ and its function. The liver is the largest organ in canines, and it's responsible for detoxifying toxic substances that travel in the body. Also, cancers that have metastasized elsewhere in the body can travel to the liver through the lymphatic system and/or the blood stream. Unfortunately, the symptoms of canine liver cancer in its early stages are not very distinctive. It's usually only after the cancer has progressed to a severe stage that symptoms become noticeable.

  1. Diarrhea/Vomiting

    • Vomiting and diarrhea is a symptom of canine liver cancer. Dogs may even develop bloody diarrhea and/or stools. This is generally a sign of internal bleeding.

    Change in Appetite

    • Dogs that have liver cancer will generally have a big drop in their appetites, and they may no longer seem interested in food of any kind. Weight loss is common in dogs with liver cancer because they no longer want to eat.


    • Dogs that have liver cancer are often anemic. Anemia is a direct result of internal bleeding and a lack of eating. A sign of anemia in canines is pale gums.


    • A dog that has liver cancer may seem lethargic and not exhibit his usual personality traits. Things that would normally interest and excite the canine may have no affect on him.


    • A dog that has liver cancer may seem to never be able to get enough to drink. Dogs with liver cancer will urinate frequently and may not be able to make it outdoors quickly enough to urinate.


    • Jaundice is the primary sign of something going wrong in the liver and it's a symptom of liver cancer. The easiest way to tell if a dog is jaundiced is to check its gums, whites of the eyes, abdomen skin, and the skin at the base of the ears to see if they have a yellow cast.


    • If the cancer is completely removed, it is possible for canines to live a year or more after surgery.