How to Know When Your Dog Has an Ear Infection

Dogs are "man's best friend" and as such we should work to keep our dogs healthy and problem-free. This will not only make your dog happier and more playful, but it will also keep things healthier in your home. Many times diseases and infections in dogs can be transferred into the home and possible to your other family members. These might be hard to detect since dogs aren't able to simple tell you what they are feeling. So you need to pay attention and watch for a few signs from your dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Tube sock
  • Q-tip


    • 1

      Watch your dog's behavior. If he is walking with his head tilted to one side or if one of the ears is lying differently on his head, this may indicate an ear infection. You will also want to watch to see if he is scratching his ear more often than normal. All of these could suggest an ear infection.

    • 2

      Hold your dog still and lift the ear slightly and smell it. Ear infections in dogs will often have a very bad odor and should be very easy to smell if you are close.

    • 3

      Clean your dog's ears regularly with a Q-tip. This is something that you should do no matter what, and if you are cleaning his ears often you will be able to notice any major problems. If your dog tries to bite you during this process you can put a tube sock over his mouth to hinder him. Most of the time infections will be very tender and sore, so you will know if your dog is more sensitive than normal. Also, the ear passage will be red. So cleaning your dog's ears often will help you catch infections early and will help prevent them.

    • 4

      Schedule frequent vet visits. These will also help you detect and prevent ear infections. This is the best way to find out if your dog has ear infections. Ask your vet about any tips on how to clean the ears of your particular breed of dog you have and ask her about the probability of that breed getting ear infections. While all dogs are susceptible to ear infections, some have a higher chance than others.