Signs & Symptoms of Puppy Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus, also known as sugar diabetes, is rare in young dogs, but if your dog displays any of the following signs and symptoms, you should consult with your veterinarian to diagnose and treat this disease.

  1. Causes

    • Diabetes is a result of insufficient amounts of insulin in the body. In dogs, it typically occurs after 5 years of age, but when it occurs in young dogs, it's often because of a birth defect in which the pancreas is malformed. It can also be due to puppy diseases such as parvovirus.


    • Lack of insulin means that glucose cannot get into the body's cells to provide energy. Diabetic puppies will often exhibit tiredness and a desire to sleep.

    Excessive Thirst

    • Puppies with diabetes will crave water.

    Frequent Urination

    • High blood sugar levels cause a decrease in water retention and therefore an increase in water elimination. That means more peeing.

    Failure to Thrive

    • Puppies with diabetes often lose weight despite being continuously hungry. The body burns muscle to compensate for the lack of glucose for energy.