Side Effects of Malaseb

Malaseb is a medicated shampoo used to treat skin problems in dogs and cats. It is a powerful and effective way to combat itching, fungal infections, ringworm and yeast infections. It is mild enough to use on young puppies and kittens, but there are some mild to severe side effects most often caused by misuse or accidental ingestion from a dog or cat licking the shampoo off their coats while being bathed. Preventing the side effects is easily accomplished with careful attention. The medicinal value of the shampoo far outweighs possible complications as a result of its use.

  1. Ingestion

    • One of the most common side effects of using Malaseb medicated shampoo is ingestion. The treatment requires the shampoo to be left on the body for at least 10 minutes, repeated twice with each treatment session. That can be a long time to control your pet's desire to lick his coat.

    Gastrointestinal Irritation

    • Licking of the shampoo can cause an irritation of the stomach lining. If your dog vomits as a result, you should seek medical attention.

    Respiratory Tract Irritation

    • Swallowing the shampoo can also cause irritation to the linings of the respiratory tract causing difficulty in breathing and swelling. Seek immediate veterinary advice if your pet has any trouble breathing or appears to have a swelling in the nasal areas or throat.

    Eye Irritation

    • Getting Malaseb in your pet's eyes is a serious problem and can cause changes in the eye, infection and pain. Rinse well with water and call your veterinarian if you notice any changes in your dog's ability to see or a change in the look of his eye.


    • Careful attention to use and never leaving your dog or cat unattended while using the shampoo or leaving it on for the prescribed length of time is the only true way to prevent mishaps with Malaseb.