How to Use Ivomec Wormer on Dogs

Ivomec Wormer is designed and packaged for cattle and swine, not specifically for dogs, and is used to prevent parasite growth. Ivomec is widely used by dog owners as a less expensive heartworm medicine because ivermectin, the drug in Ivomec, is used in other parasite control medicines such as Heartgard, which is used for heartworm. The trick is using the correct dosing amounts and administering it correctly.

Things You'll Need

  • Needle-less syringe
  • Ivomec


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      Talk to your veterinarian before using. Some dogs, like collies and mixed collies, cannot tolerate ivermectin, the drug in Ivomec. In addition, it is not safe to use on dogs less than 6 weeks old.

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      Give correct dosing. Be sure to talk this over with your vet first because dosing amounts vary among dogs, but general dosing guidelines are as follows: 0.0015 to 0.003 milligrams per pound for heartworm prevention; 0.15 milligrams per pound two times (14 days apart) for skin parasites; and 0.1 milligrams per pound one time for gastrointestinal parasites.

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      Administer Ivomec orally. It comes as an injection for cattle and swine, but do not inject your dog. Rather, draw out the needed amount with the provided needle and then transfer to a needle-less syringe, like those used to administer oral medicines to children. Hold your dog's nose and squeeze the medication into his mouth.

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      Watch for side effects or overdosing. Look for stumbling, tremors, weakness, disorientation, blindness or other odd behaviors. Consult a veterinarian immediately if you notice a possible side effect.