Types of Arthritis in a Dog's Back

The most common type of arthritis in a dog's spine is osteoarthritis, or degenerative joint disease. The symptoms often look as if the source of the pain is in the limbs, because the dog may be lame or have greatly restricted movement. Osteoarthritis and other types of arthritis can spread to other joints in the body and becomes worse over time.

  1. Infectious Arthritis

    • According to "Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook," infectious arthritis is caused by disease-bearing ticks harboring Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Lyme disease or canine ehrlichiosis.

    Fungal Arthritis

    • Also called mycotic arthritis, this is another rare type of arthritis in the spine caused by an infection from a fungal infection that invades the soft tissues surrounding the vertebrae.

    Rheumatoid Arthritis

    • According to "Dog Owner's Home Veterinary Handbook," rheumatoid arthritis is often seen in small or toy dogs. It can settle in any joint, including the spine and is caused by a problem with the dog's immune system.

    Nonerosive Arthritis

    • Also known as noninfectious arthritis, this is another type of arthritis that happens to medium and large dogs over 5 years old. The cause is unknown, but the treatment is the same as for rheumatoid arthritis.


    • Although nutriceuticals like glucosamine and chondroitan have helped in many types of canine arthritis, the Mar Vista Animal Medical Center notes they do not work with spinal arthritis because of the shape of the spine.