Natural Medicine for Heartworms in Dogs

Heartworm is a parasite that can be fatal if not treated promptly. The treatment for heartworm is actually toxic and causes some serious side effects including vomiting, diarrhea and convulsions. The medication also lowers your dog's immunity and puts stress on the liver and kidneys. This makes him more susceptible to other illnesses during treatment of heartworm. Alternative, natural methods of preventing heartworm are available, as are natural treatments containing herbs.

  1. Diet

    • According to, holistic vets agree that a diet of mostly raw food is the best preventative for infections and parasites. They recommend raw meat; chopped raw vegetables; raw fruit if they will eat it; and raw bones, such as chicken neck.

    Immune System

    • Your pet is more protected if he has a healthy immune system. suggests that his immune system can weaken from frequent vaccinations, processed dog food, stress and routine preventative medications.

    Heart and Circulation

    • Providing your dog with adequate exercise and a healthy diet can keep her heart strong and her circulatory system healthy to help prevent heartworm and other illnesses.


    • Regular de-worming is recommended in areas where there is a high risk of heartworm. Regular checkups are also advised.

    Natural Treatments

    • If your dog gets heartworm, there are a number of natural treatments available. They contain herbs such as garlic, black seed, licorice, hawthorn, hops, sorrel, apricot pits and grapefruit seed extracts. Administered twice a day, treatment can last from 16 to 36 weeks. Because it eliminates the heartworm at a slower pace, there is no risk of dead worms clogging your dog's blood vessels, which can cause his organs to fail.


    • If you suspect your dog has heartworm, you should consult your veterinarian. It is not advisable to attempt to treat him at home. Talk with your veterinarian before you make any changes to his diet.