What to Do If a Dog Has Diarrhea?

Diarrhea is a common condition that many dogs will suffer from at some point in their lifetime. Often, diarrhea is a result of something the dog ate. Most cases of diarrhea are harmless and, with the proper foods and treatment, will go away on its own without medical care.

  1. Bland Foods

    • When your dog has diarrhea, a bland diet of boiled chicken and rice should be fed until the diarrhea is gone. Rich foods high in fat and salt can make diarrhea worse.


    • Pumpkin is a fiber-rich fruit which can help firm up stools. To treat diarrhea, give your dog 1 tbsp. of canned pumpkin twice daily.


    • Plain yogurt containing live probiotic cultures is beneficial to digestion. A small amount daily can prevent and treat diarrhea in dogs.


    • Dehydration is a common side effect of diarrhea, so make sure to have plenty of clean, fresh water available. Dehydration is a serious condition and can make diarrhea worse.

    Human Medication

    • Never give your dog human medications, such as Pepto Bismol, without consulting a veterinarian. Some human medications to treat diarrhea are toxic to dogs.

    Veterinary Care

    • If diarrhea lasts for more than 3 days or your dog appears lethargic, bloated or you notice bloody stools, medical care is imperative.