What Causes Dog Pancreatitis?

The cause of pancreatitis in dogs is still unknown. There are some factors that are associated with dogs who are diagnosed with this disease. Diets rich in fat and the use of cortisone are the key factors in the diagnosis of pancreatitis.

  1. Symptoms

    • Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps and fever are the main symptoms of this disease in dogs.


    • A test to determine elevations of white blood cells and enzymes are done on the dog. The enzyme test is the most accurate for diagnosing this disease.


    • If caught early, the general treatment for this is to keep the dog from drinking or eating. When doing this, the animal must be given fluids intravenously as well as anti-inflammatories. If the disease has progressed, the treatment may include antibiotics.

    Long-Term Effects

    • When diagnosed early, the long-term effects should be minimal. There may be a possibility of the animal having trouble digesting foods. If the disease is not found until late, there may be a need for insulin.


    • If the disease is diagnosed early, the animal should make a full recovery. If the disease is not found until it is in its severe stages, the prognosis may not be good.