Treatments for Liver and Lung Cancer in Dogs

Dogs are susceptible to cancers of the liver and lungs just as humans are. The cancer is believed to come from similar sources. Liver cancer in dogs is a result of exposure to and ingestion of toxic substances. Lung cancer in dogs can be due to pollution and exposure to second-hand smoke.

  1. Prevention of Liver Cancer

    • A dog's liver functions to remove toxins from its body. Many commercial foods on the market have impure ingredients and fillers, which make digestion and even removal of toxins more difficult. To prevent cancer, it's best to feed dogs the highest quality foods. Add a can of sardines to food to ensure the dog is receiving adequate omega vitamins, which combat cancer cells.

    Treatments for Liver Cancer

    • After diagnostic testing, including an exam and Complete Blood Count, a dog may require stabilization with IV fluids. Surgery may also be necessary to remove any tumors. Chemotherapy may be necessary if surgery does not fully remove the tumor.

    Lung Cancer Predisposition and Prevalancy

    • No breed is predisposed to lung cancer. However, it is more prevalent in medium-sized to large dogs.

    Possible Signs of Lung Cancer

    • A persistent cough and labored breathing in a dog can be a sign of lung cancer.

    Aspiration of the Mass, Tumor Removal and Treatment

    • Aspiration of the lung mass with a fine needle is one method used to remove fluids. Surgical removal of the lung tumor is recommended. Chemotherapy treatment may follow if recommended.