Symptoms of Prostatitis in Dogs

Prostatitis is an infection of the prostate gland. This gland is located near the urethra, and when the gland swells, it puts pressure on the ureter tube. Many symptoms of prostatitis in dogs are the result of pain and pressure on the urethra. This condition occurs mainly in unneutered male dogs.

  1. Pain

    • Pain in the abdomen may cause your dog to walk with a stiff gait or arched back. He may also take shorter strides when he walks.

    Blood in Urine

    • You may notice blood in your dog's urine. The blood may occur during urination or in a drip from his penis.


    • You may also notice a cloudy or bloody discharge from your dog's penis. Some discharge is normal in most male dogs, but an excessive discharge can indicate a problem.

    Difficulty Eliminating

    • Your dog may have trouble urinating, or he may urinate in short spurts. He may also have trouble defecating. Both symptoms are the result of a swollen prostate gland.

    Lack of Appetite or Weight Loss

    • As your dog battles the infection, he may lose interest in food. If untreated, prostatitis can cause your dog to lose weight.


    • Prostatitis can cause a fever. Your dog may shiver or appear lethargic.