What Are Hot Spots on Dogs?

A hot spot, also known as acute moist dermatitis, is an uncomfortable skin infection in dogs usually caused by hot weather or allergies. Uncomfortable and stressed, dogs will often lick and bite the affected area, making it worse. If you notice a lesion on your dog's skin that looks raw, itchy and red, it is important to act fast. Hot spots can grow and spread in just a few hours.

  1. Appearance

    • Hot spots are circular areas of the skin that have become inflamed and raw from irritation and heat. They are swollen, painful and itchy, and have a moist appearance.


    • Generally caused by heat, moisture or skin allergies, hot spots can also be caused by mites, fleas, grooming issues, burs, ear infections or anal gland problems. Moisture exacerbates the lesion, causing it to enlarge and spread.


    • Dogs are generally affected by hot spots on the rump, legs and paws. Hot spots may also form on the ears, chest and neck. Lesions on the rump may indicate anal gland problems, while hot spots near the ears may indicate an ear infection.


    • The treatment of hot spots includes clipping the fur around the lesion so that it can dry out. Clean the area with a mild water-based antiseptic, then gently pat dry. Consult your veterinarian for serious cases of hot spots. Your dog may need antibiotics and anti-inflammatories as well as an Elizabethan collar to control her hot spots.


    • Hot spots can usually be prevented by clipping the dog's fur short during the hot months of the year, gibing medicated baths and instituting a strict flea-prevention program.


    • Hot spots, if left untreated, can spread quickly, growing into a very painful inflammation. Hot spots can also turn into something called a Lick Granuloma, where the infection spreads deeper into the skin tissues.