Is pork steak bones ok for dogs?

No, pork steak bones are not ok for dogs.

Cooked bones of any kind can splinter and cause serious injuries to your dog, including:

- Choking. A bone can get lodged in your dog's throat, blocking their airway.

- Internal injuries. A bone can puncture your dog's stomach or intestines, leading to internal bleeding and infection.

- Tooth damage. A bone can break your dog's teeth or damage their gums.

- Diarrhea. A bone can irritate your dog's digestive tract and cause diarrhea.

- Constipation. A bone can obstruct your dog's intestines, leading to constipation.

In addition, pork bones are often cooked with salt, pepper, and other spices that can be harmful to dogs. Salt can lead to dehydration and electrolyte imbalances, while pepper can cause stomach upset.

If you are concerned that your dog has eaten a pork steak bone, contact your veterinarian immediately.