Why does my dog who is seventeen years old suddenly have phlegm in her eye?

Causes of Phlegm in a Dog's Eye:

- All dogs produce “sleep” in their corner of the eye that forms a crust as they sleep. Some dogs just produce more than others.

- Allergies that cause conjunctivitis can cause a runny eye.

- A foreign body or trauma to the eye can cause tears and phlegm to form.

- A bacterial infection can cause puss to form in the eye.

- A viral infection such as canine distemper can cause ulcers to form on the eye.

- Dry eye, glaucoma, and some types of cancer can cause phlegm in the eye.


- If your dog is scratching at their eye or holding their eye closed go to the vet.

- If you see a lot of phlegm or a bloody discharge go to the vet.

- If the eye looks odd, red, cloudy or ulcerated go to the vet.

- If the dog seems painful or depressed go to the vet.

- If your dog just has normal sleep in the corner of its eye, a warm cloth gently wiped across the eye to clean it.