Do I Give Powdered Milk to My Puppy?

Newborn puppies undoubtedly need milk in their diets, but the kind that comes straight from their mother dogs' bodies, not from cows. If your little cutie's mother isn't around, however, commercial puppy formula makes a healthy and appropriate replacement. Standard powdered milk available at the grocery store however, definitely does not.
  1. Nursing

    • If your puppy is past the age of weaning, then he doesn't need any milk at all in his diet. Newborn puppies only need milk from their mothers until they're fully weaned, which usually happens when they're about 8 weeks old. If their mothers are healthy, their milk gives the puppies' tiny growing bodies all of the proper nutrients necessary. If puppies are orphans, they can receive similar balanced nourishment through their normal weaning age from commercial puppy formulas that are available at pet supply stores or at your vet's office.

    Powdered Milk

    • Many powdered milk products are made by evaporating cow's milk. Cow's milk cannot provide growing pups with the right balance of carbohydrates, fats and proteins they need develop, and it can lead to unpleasant tummy discomfort in the little furballs. Powdered milk formulas that are made for human babies are not suitable for puppies -- or adult dogs -- in any manner. Milk often upsets adult dogs' tummies as well puppy tummies.

    Puppy Formula

    • If a puppy isn't feeding with his mother, he needs puppy formula, or canine milk replacer, as a substitute. Puppy formula often comes powdered to be mixed with water, although it sometimes appears in liquid form as well. The goal of these formulas is to replicate the nutritional value of a mother dog's nursing milk as closely as possible. Ask your vet which commercial puppy formula is right for your puppy.


    • When a puppy is weaned and eating only solid foods, he has absolutely no need for milk in his feeding plan, including powdered puppy formula. Water is the only beverage that post-weaning puppies and adult dogs ever need to take in. Just as with human beings, water is the most vital nutrient for all canines. Clean water needs to be a constant presence in a puppy's living area. This also applies to adult dogs.