The Effects of Bad Water Quality on Dogs

Water, water everywhere ... but nary a drop to drink? For your dog, that depends. If it's good, pure water without chemicals and parasites, great! But bad water -- from indoor or outdoor sources -- can make your dog sick. You should always serve your dog not only quality food, but water.
  1. Importance of Clean Water

    • Like people, dogs are not only made up of water -- about 80 percent -- but they need it to survive. Clean, fresh water is an important source of oxygen and is required to keep your pet healthy. Dogs who don't drink enough water can run into urinary tract or constipation issues. And dehydration due to lack of fluids can be deadly. To check for dehydration, press your dog's gum line; if it's sticky and pale, your dog might be dehydrated.

    Indoor Water

    • Your dog's source of water should be his water bowl, but dogs aren't choosy. If there's access to a toilet, he's likely found another place to drink, especially since toilet water is usually cold. But toilet water can be dangerous -- especially if you've recently cleaned the bowl with toxic chemicals or have a cleanser attached to the bowl or placed in the tank. As a rule, keep Fido away from toilets. Lids down or bathroom doors shut.

    Outdoor Water

    • While your dog may not get sick from drinking water from lakes, ponds or other bodies of water, all it takes is for one microscopic, protozoan organism to make him ill. Giardia and Cryptosporidium are two organisms that can cause severe diarrhea and intestinal bleeding if ingested. Old and young dogs, as well as immune-impaired dogs, are especially vulnerable. Also, outdoor water often contains pesticides and chemicals, which can cause kidney and liver issues.

    Best Practices

    • Always provide clean, fresh water for your dog -- and don't forget to change it several times throughout the day. Offer easy access to all water bowls, which will make your dog less tempted to drink from other sources, indoors or out. On hot days, add ice cubes to make his water more enticing. If you'll be traveling, bring water along. And don't forget to clean water bowls; bacteria can grow and make your dog sick.