What is the real test of good health?

The real test of good health is not just the absence of disease, but the ability to function effectively and enjoy life.

Some people may have no apparent medical conditions but still feel unwell or lack the energy to do the things they want to do. True health involves both physical and mental well-being, and requires a balanced lifestyle that includes regular exercise, a healthy diet, adequate sleep, and effective stress management.

Other factors that can contribute to good health include:

- Strong relationships with family and friends

- A sense of purpose in life

- A positive attitude

- The ability to cope with stress in a healthy way

- Access to quality healthcare

- Financial stability

The real test of good health is whether a person feels good about themselves and is able to live life to the fullest. Achieving and maintaining good health is not always easy, but it is worth the effort. By making healthy choices, people can improve their quality of life and enjoy a longer, more fulfilling life.