Can a German shepherd pass dead puppy 3 days after last viable pup. I know inside but can she get it out on her own?

Yes, it is possible for a German shepherd to pass a dead puppy three days after the last viable pup. While most puppies are born within a 24-hour period, it is not uncommon for a dam to retain one or more puppies for a longer period of time. In some cases, a puppy can be retained for up to 72 hours after the last viable pup is born.

If a puppy is retained for too long, it can begin to decompose and release toxins into the dam's body. This can cause a number of serious health problems, including sepsis and death. In order to prevent these complications, it is important for a dam to be monitored closely after giving birth and to be taken to the veterinarian if she shows any signs of illness.

In most cases, a dam will be able to pass a retained puppy on her own. However, if the puppy is too large or if the dam is experiencing any difficulties, the veterinarian may need to intervene and remove the puppy surgically.

Here are some signs that a dam may be retaining a puppy:

* Straining to defecate or urinate

* Restlessness

* Loss of appetite

* Vomiting

* Diarrhea

* Fever

* Lethargy

* Painful abdomen

* Bleeding from the vagina

If you notice any of these signs in your dam, it is important to take her to the veterinarian immediately.