101 Things NOT to Give Your Dog
Fruits & Vegetables:
1. Avocado
2. Grapes and raisins
3. Onions and garlic
4. Mushrooms
5. Peaches
6. Cherries
7. Apricots
8. Rhubarb
9. Tomatoes (leaves and stems)
10. Potatoes (green parts)
11. Almonds
12. Macadamia nuts
13. Chocolate (especially dark)
14. Coffee beans and grounds
15. Tea leaves
16. Xylitol (artificial sweetener)
17. Alcohol
18. Yeast dough
19. Raw meat and poultry
20. Unpasteurized milk
21. Raw eggs
22. Raw fish
23. Moldy food
24. Spoiled food
25. Unripe fruits
26. Overripe fruits
27. Bones (cooked, large, or splintered)
28. Candy
29. Gum
30. Ice cream
31. Processed meats
32. Fatty foods
33. Salty foods
34. Spicy foods
35. Sugary foods
36. Salt
37. Sugar
38. Saltine crackers
39. Popcorn
40. Bread dough
41. Nutmeg
42. Peppermint
43. Cinnamon
44. Nutmeg
45. Cayenne pepper
46. Any food containing artificial sweeteners
47. Any food containing preservatives
48. Any food containing flavor enhancers
49. Any food containing artificial colors
50. Any food containing artificial flavors
Household Items:
51. Cleaning products
52. Pesticides
53. Medications (human or animal)
54. Vitamins (without consulting a vet)
55. Batteries
56. Coins
57. Jewelry
58. Hair ties
59. Rubber bands
60. String
61. Yarn
62. Plastic bags
63. Balloons
64. Toys with small parts
65. Toys that can be chewed into small pieces
66. Toys made of rubber or plastic that can be easily swallowed
67. Toys with sharp edges
68. Toys with paint that can be chewed off
69. Toys that are too large or too small
70. Toys that are too hard or too soft
Other Items:
71. Cigarette butts
72. Matches
73. Lighter fluid
74. Paint thinner
75. Gasoline
76. Antifreeze
77. Mothballs
78. Bleach
79. Disinfectants
80. Weed killer
81. Fertilizer
82. Glue
83. Nail polish
84. Perfume
85. Deodorant
86. Hairspray
87. Makeup
88. Toothpaste
89. Mouthwash
90. Hand sanitizer
91. Sunscreen
92. Insect repellent
93. Fabric softener
94. Dryer sheets
95. Laundry detergent
96. Dish soap
97. Shampoo
98. Conditioner
99. Soap
100. Lotion
101. Any item that could be toxic or harmful to your dog
Always consult your veterinarian if you are unsure about whether or not something is safe for your dog.
This is just a partial list, and there are many other things that could be harmful to your dog. It is important to be aware of potential dangers and to keep your dog safe.
Remember, prevention is key! Always be mindful of what your dog has access to, and don't give them anything that you aren't 100% sure is safe.