Fetching Games
Most boxers love a game of fetch. Fetching is an interactive game that will put your boxer to work and give it a purpose. There are a variety of fetching toys on the market, but you can play this game with virtually anything such as a rope, ball or Frisbee. You can play fetch indoors or outdoors, and your boxer will love it regardless. If you find it boring to repeatedly toss a ball to make your boxer happy, consider buying a "Fetchtastic" fetching machine, a powered tennis ball launcher that will keep your pooch entertained and happy.
Agility Games
Boxers sure love to run, and what better way to allow this breed to rump than under, over, and around obstacles or through tunnels? You do not necessarily need to purchase an expensive agility kit to make your boxer happy. Indeed you can build your own agility equipment out of old tires, hula hoops, and PVC pipes. Agility games are ideal for rambunctious dogs as they allow them to excel at "jobs" requiring activity and quick responses, explains dog trainer Pat Miller in an article for The Whole Dog Journal.
Tracking Games
Train your boxer to use its nose. With a history of being prized hunting dogs, boxers are equipped with a keen sense of smell that helps them track prey. You can, therefore, train your boxer to use its nose by teaching some tracking games. Toss a pea-sized treat to the left and tell your boxer ''find it!'' and then to the right repeating the oral command. Make the game more challenging by having a helper hold your boxer on the leash, walk a few steps ahead and place a treat on the ground and return to your boxer saying "find it!" suggests Pat Miller.
Quiet Games
At times, you may want your boxer to engage in quiet activities. A Kong, a hollow dog toy meant to be filled with tasty goodness, will keep your boxer occupied while in the crate or simply at home while you carry on with your chores. Stuff it in a challenging way, placing dog treats inside and then topping it all with a dog biscuit, or fill it up with peanut butter to keep the dog busy. You can even fill Kongs up with chicken broth, then freeze them in the summer for a long-lasting game.
Games for Boxers
Boxers make ideal family dogs, but as a strong-minded working breed, they require enough exercise, mental stimulation and training in order to control their rambunctiousness. Boxers can be goofy characters, and puppies and young adults alike can be particularly animated and playful. There are several games you can play with your boxer in order to channel this breed's tendency to be vivacious, and several may increase your bond and keep your boxer healthy, well exercised and happy.