Things You'll Need
- Old sweater or child's T-shirt
- Tape measure
- Scissors
Measure your puppy. Take the measurement around his neck and from the base of his neck to the base of his tail. You will also need to measure the distance between his front legs and around the front of his chest. Be patient and make a game out of it if he wriggles and tries to chew the tape measure.
Choose an old sweater with sleeves that will fit over your puppy's body for a small dog. Use a child's T-shirt for a bigger breed puppy. If you do not have one, visit a thrift store. Cut the item to the length of the measurement from the neck to the tail and add 1 or 2 inches to allow for rolling the sleeve fabric at the narrower end around the neck.
Cut the bottom of the shirt at an angle so it is longer along the top and shorter on the underside. The angle will need to be greater if your puppy is a boy so he does not wet the shirt when he lifts his leg.
Cut out holes for the front legs. Use the measurement of the distance between the legs to get them in the right place. If you use the proper size of T-shirt for your bigger puppy, the arm holes should work out OK. Try the shirt on your puppy and make any necessary adjustments to make it fit correctly. When the puppy grows, use the other sleeve to make a bigger shirt or visit the thrift store again for another child's T-shirt.