Kong Filling Ideas for Dogs

Working for food is a basic instinct that originates far back in a dog's ancestry. Imagine, then, the way we feed our dogs today. We fill their bowls with food and water. We provide them with tasty treats, often without asking for a trick in return. Dogs sometimes develop behavior problems in our modern world. Nature intended them to have a job, and to work for their food. Kongs provide a fun reward for that hard work.
  1. Peanut Butter

    • Peanut butter provides protein and tastes good. It stuffs easily into the hole in the top of the Kong and your dog will enjoy working to get it out little by little. Try putting a biscuit or small treat in the hole last after putting in the peanut butter to provide immediate reward and incentive to keep working.

    Dog Treats or Kibble

    • Place a Kong in a glass to stand it upright and drop a handful or two of bite-size kibbles or other dog treats into the hole. Plug each end with a solid treat such as a piece of cheese or meat to get things going, and your dog will do the rest.

    Fruit, Cheese and Vegetables

    • Create a gourmet meal for your dog by combining cut-up pieces of fruit, cheese and carrots in a Kong. Use the appropriate portion size for your particular dog and don't overfeed. You can supplement this treat by including a few bites of dry kibble.

    Frozen Treat

    • A frozen Kong works best if your dog will be playing with the Kong outside in the yard because it is messy. Stuff the Kong with a small combination of foods your dog enjoys, such as carrots and kibble. Add a little chicken or beef broth inside the Kong, and then smear the outside of the Kong with honey or peanut butter. Freeze for a special summertime treat. The filling won't become a solid ball as long as you don't stuff it completely full.

    Fruit Salad

    • Make a "fruit platter" by mixing either cottage cheese or plain yogurt with chopped pieces of fruit, such as apple, banana or melon. You can even add a marshmallow, but don't overdo the sugary foods. Alternate the ingredients until the Kong is two-thirds full. This can be served frozen or just chilled. Never give your dog anything that contains artificial sweeteners because they can be toxic to your pet.