How to Make Halloween Costumes for Puppies

Puppy costumes are cute and there is no better time to put your new pet into a costume then at Halloween. Puppy costumes are available online and at pet stores, but can be expensive. Making your own costume can be a fun and unique experience and will save you money. Materials can be found around your house or at inexpensive retailers or discount stores.


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      Pick a theme. Halloween costumes run the gamut from ghosts to fairies to inanimate objects. Study your puppy's personality and breed to determine what type of costume you want. A border collie puppy, for example, can be dressed up as a lamb. This is a play on the reason for the development of the breed to be sheepherders.

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      Look for simple materials around the house or at discount stores. Costumes for your puppy don't have to be expensive or complicated. Look for items that will be a good size. You can drape a small hand towel over your puppy's back and secure it the ends of the towel around your puppy's neck with a safety pin to make a cape. You can glue cotton balls to the towel to make a wool appearance for a sheep costume. Use a foam cup as a hat.

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      Assemble the costume. Glue the pieces together, if needed. Use ribbons sewn onto the hand towel or cape or other parts of the costume to secure it to the puppy. Do a trial run a day or two in advance. Put the full costume on your dog and let him wear it until he gets used to it. This will also help you make any needed adjustments before the big night.