How to Use Doggie Dooley Digester

One of the least enjoyable tasks of dog ownership is disposing of your pet's stinky and unsightly waste. There are several ways to clean up after your pooch, including plastic baggies, trash cans and pooper-scoopers, but in the end, you still have dog waste to get rid of. One solution is to use a Doggie Dooley Pet Waste Toilet, which is a septic tank-like receptacle that uses enzyme powder to dissolve and eliminate dog stool. Using a Doggie Dooley correctly will keep your yard looking and smelling waste-free.

Things You'll Need

  • Post hole digger shovel
  • Phillips-head screwdriver
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      Dig a hole using the post hole shovel where you want the Doggie Dooley to be. Pick a flat, level area that is away from high-traffic areas. The size of the hole is based on the Doggie Dooley model you have purchased. For the 2000 and 3000, the hole should be 14 inches wide by 48 inches deep. For the 3500, the hole should be 20 inches wide by 14 inches deep. For the 3800, make the hole 19 inches wide by 24 inches deep.

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      Assemble the main unit if using models 3500 or 3800, which do not come pre-assembled, using the Phillips-head screwdriver. The 2000 and 3000 come pre-assembled.

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      Insert the assembled unit into the hole, packing dirt around the sides of the unit carefully so that the top of the unit is parallel to the ground when finished. Add extra dirt or rocks underneath the unit if the hole is too deep and the unit needs to be higher.

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      Start the system by adding 2 to 3 days worth of your dog's waste to the unit. Mix 2 tablespoons of digestive enzymes, which are included with the system, with 5 gallons of water, and then pour this mixture over the dog's stool inside the unit.

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      Add stools to the unit each day. Add 5 gallons of water twice a week, and 1 tablespoon of digestive powder each week. Keep the lid closed when not in use.