Dog Bed Mattress Types

There are many types of dog beds, ranging from wicker-framed nests to simple mattresses. Once you've decided to get a mattress-style bed for your dog, however, you still need to decide what type of mattress to get. There are several types of dog mattresses, each designed for a specific need.
  1. Support Mattress

    • A support mattress is the type of dog bed that most resembles mattresses designed for human use. Usually rectangular in shape, the support mattress with have a firm spring-based core, with a padded exterior for a combination of comfort and strength. Support mattresses are ideal for dogs who prefer to sleep on their belly or side with their legs extended or tucked underneath the body.

    Lounge Mattress

    • Lounge mattresses are generally soft and squishy, and are available in both square and circular shapes. Most lounge mattresses lack a solid or semi-solid frame, being filled instead with foam or stuffing. This type of mattress is best for dogs who enjoy sprawling out or sleeping on their back, particularly those who like using their owner's bed for a nap.

    Orthopedic Mattress

    • Orthopedic mattresses come in various shapes, sometimes including a headrest or a padded border to facilitate lounging. Sometimes including springs and sometimes lacking them, orthopedic mattresses are designed to conform to the shape of your dog's body, with some models even including heating. This type of mattress is designed for use by older dogs or those who suffer from arthritis, joint pain or hip dysplasia.

    Pillow Mattress

    • Pillow mattresses are extremely soft and tend to be very thick. When in use, the mattress will sink down underneath the dog, forming large soft lumps around its body. Pillow mattresses are best for dogs who need a feeling of security to sleep, and usually take naps while curled up in a ball --- the soft shape allows your dog to nestle down into the bed for a comfortable snooze.