How to Evaluate Dog Carriers

A dog carrier, also known as a crate or cage, provides a safe and secure place for your dog while traveling or to keep your dog in while you are not home. Whatever your need for a dog carrier is, there are many factors to consider when purchasing a dog carrier or crate. Dog carriers can be expensive, depending on the size as well as the material they are made from, so you don't want to purchase the wrong one. You know your dog's temperament the best so keep that in mind while evaluating a carrier.


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      Examine the material the carrier is made of. Carriers come in plastic, wire mesh, metal and soft cloth. If your dog is a chewer, you may be more inclined to purchase a carrier that is made of metal or plastic rather than soft cloth or mesh. If your dog handles situations better when it cannot see its surroundings, a solid plastic carrier or a solid cloth material may work best. Plastic and metal carriers are easier to clean because you can just wipe them down. A carrier made of fabric may need to be washed with soap or rinsed off with a hose if it is soiled.

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      Consider the size of your dog. Carriers come in all different shapes and sizes. If you have a Great Dane, it would not be comfortable in a crate made to fit a Golden Retriever. Most carriers, if purchased new, will list the height and weight of the dog that would be appropriate for the carrier. Carriers can also be too big for a dog; a Chihuahua may not be happy in a carrier designed for a Labrador. It is usually recommended that the carrier be big enough that the dog will have enough space to stand up straight and to be able to turn around without difficulty.

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      Decide what the carrier will be used for most. If you will be bringing the dog places with you, a lightweight carrier is best. If the carrier will be set up at home and never moved, you may like a more heavy-duty carrier. If the carrier is going to be used while flying, you may need to use a solid plastic crate with a wire door, depending on the airline's regulations. If you have a small dog, you may want a carrier that looks more like a handbag so you can bring your dog places with you.