How to Make a PVC Dog Crate

Your small puppies will grow into full grown dogs pretty fast. As you are so attached to your dog, you may want to take them everywhere with you, even while you are traveling. However, this may prove to be difficult because it may take a lot of effort to handle your dog. The perfect solution is making a PVC dog crate for your dog. This will enable you to carry your dog everywhere and keep your dog safe and secure in his own home while you travel.

Things You'll Need

  • PVC bar (10 feet long)
  • Screws
  • Durable fabric
  • Screwdriver
  • Saw
  • Velcro strips
  • Metal door
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    • 1

      Build your crate according to the size of your dog, ensuring that your dog can sit, stand and turn around easily. Decide the size of your crate and measure its length and width.

      Determine the span of the sides of your crate. Measure the PVC pipe according to the size you decide with the size of your dog. Using about 25 inches of pipe for the length of each side and about 20 inches of pipe for the width of the flooring and the roof is adequate for medium-sized dogs.

    • 2

      Cut the PVC pipe to its required size by using a saw. Saw it evenly and do not leave any rough edges.

      Connect all the pipes by inserting them into each end's opening. Add a corner piece to the pipes in which you can insert the end of the next connecting pipe. The pipes will easily fit into each other. Complete a square for each side out of the pipes by inserting the ends into one another. Use three pipes to make each side and make four sides in total. Twist the pipes into the corner pieces of the connecting pipe until they do not move.

    • 3

      Attach a metal door to your PVC crate. The door should be located at the front of the crate and is one of the four sides of the crate. Cut a sheet of metal to the size of your door. Attach hinges to one side of the door and screw these hinges into the side of the PVC poles. Do not attach the other side of the door in the same way because you want to let this side swing open.

    • 4

      You can add a hook, eye latch, or any other kind of latch to your crate door to make sure that the door can be closed and your dog remains safe

    • 5

      You can add an old rug or your dog's favorite toys in your crate to create an enjoyable and comfortable environment for your dog. You want to ensure that his personal space is special. Put in a piece of durable fabric for your dog to sleep on and to make him a cozy bed.