How to Sew a Dog Sling Carrier

As dogs age they often develop injuries or conditions which make it difficult for their hind legs to support them. Elderly or injured dogs may require assistance in initially standing up, or stabilization as they make their way over a doorway or up and down stairs. A sling can assist in such situations, allowing an owner to stabilize and support the dog's hind end. Because of the variety of shapes and sizes in which dogs come, a sling needs to be custom fit to each individual dog.

Things You'll Need

  • Old sweatshirt
  • Needle
  • Thread
  • Scissors
  • Measuring tape
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    • 1

      Lay the sweatshirt down flat on a table. Fold up the bottom of the sweatshirt so that it rests just below the bottom of the collar.

    • 2

      Sew straight across the entire length of what was the bottom of the sweatshirt. Continue down the side of the sweatshirt, across the new bottom and up the other side so that you finish where you began sewing.

    • 3

      Trim off the collar of the sweatshirt (if any) if your dog is a male. This will be the front of the sling and trimming the collar area back will prevent it from rubbing a male dog's sensitive areas.

    • 4

      Measure around one of your dog's hind legs where they join to his body.

    • 5

      Cut two holes large enough for your dog's legs to go through in the middle of the rectangle of fabric which you have just sewn. Be sure that you cut through both layers of fabric.

    • 6

      Sew the arms of the sweatshirt together so that they make a loop. Reinforce this area with multiple stitches.

    • 7

      Trim off any additional thread left from the sewing.