How to Warm a Pet Bed for Outdoor Use

During the winter months, keeping an outdoor pet warm and safe from the elements can present a challenge. While some animals, such as short-haired or toy dogs, aren't equipped to handle moderate to severe cold, others can thrive with the proper enclosure and bedding. Keeping your family pet happy and healthy is all in making sure the enclosure and bedding are properly heated, insulated, and safe from rain and wind, which is easily accomplished with the right supplies and preparation.

Things You'll Need

  • Straw
  • Heating pad
  • Concrete blocks
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      Lift the house off the ground with concrete blocks. This keeps water out of the house and the bed.

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      Add straw to the bedding. Straw should be clean, dry and changed out frequently.

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      Add a heating pad to your pet's bed. Make sure not to turn the heating pad up too high because it can burn the animal. Make sure the cord is intact and not a fire hazard. You can also purchase a bed that comes with heating elements that you can warm up in the microwave.

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      Turn the opening of the pet's house away from the wind. Blocking the wind from blowing into the doghouse is vital to keeping your animal warm. Face a large, solid object, like the house.