DIY Fish Shaped Pet Beds

Pet beds can be major expenses, depending on the size, fabric and other features you want. But those same items can be made at home with just a little bit of sewing knowledge and a sewing machine. For pet owners looking to customize a fish bed for their four-legged friend, you will need is a fish template, material and a few other easily accessible items. By making your own bed, you can customize it to fit your pet and save money at the same time.

Things You'll Need

  • Tape measure
  • Copy machine
  • Scissors
  • Paper grocery bag
  • Tape
  • Fabric or towels
  • Straight pins
  • Sewing machine
  • Thread
  • Polyester filling material
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  1. Make your own fish-shaped pet beds

    • 1

      Measure your pet. Using a measuring tape, start at your pet's nose and go down to her bottom. Add six inches to the number to account for stuffing. This measurement will be the number you use for the pet bed.

    • 2

      Choose a fabric. You can use something you have around the house, such as old towels, or pick a fabric that you think your animal will like. Choose a fabric that is soft so it is comfortable for your animal. You will need at least double the bed's measurement in fabric.

    • 3

      Download and print a fish pattern from a website such as Free Applique or draw your own pattern by hand. Depending on the size, you may need to enlarge the pattern on a copy machine to fit the measurement you got in step 1.

    • 4

      Cut out the fish pattern.

    • 5

      Cut open a paper grocery bag and lay it out flat. Tape the fish pattern to the grocery bag and trace the figure. Remove the original pattern and cut out the fish on the grocery bag, which is heavier and will hold up to pins better.

    • 6

      Fold the fabric in half and pin the pattern to the material. Cut around the pattern and you will have two fish-shaped pieces: one for the top and one for the bottom of the bed.

    • 7

      Place the top side of the fish on top of the bottom side of the fish, with the right side of the material facing inward.

    • 8

      Stitch around the perimeter of the two pieces using your sewing machine and thread. The bed can be sewn by hand as well, but the seams will be tighter and better able to handle wear if done with a sewing machine. Stop sewing three to four inches from where you started, leaving an opening to stuff the bed.

    • 9

      Turn the material right-side out through the opening you left when sewing. The patterned side of the fabric should now be exposed and the bed should look how you want it to be when completed, minus the stuffing.

    • 10

      Stuff the bed using polyester filling. Choose how full you would like the bed to be, depending on your pet's preferences.

    • 11

      Sew the stuffing opening shut, using either your sewing machine or a needle and thread.