How to Find Dog Houses to Be Donated

Animal shelters and rescue organizations are often in desperate need of supplies, both for the animals that are kept in their facilities, as well as to support people who are fostering adoptable pets. If you would like to collect supplies for these organizations, dog houses and dog crates are a good place to start, although their bulky size makes them a more unwieldy item to gather. There are many ways that you can find unwanted or unused pet supplies to donate to your local animal rescue organization or shelter.

Things You'll Need

  • Telephone
  • Computer
  • Internet access
  • Printer
  • Paper
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  1. How to Solicit Donations

    • 1

      Use your computer to create an eye-catching poster asking for donations. Include your name, phone number and the name of the organization for which you are collecting supplies. Independent coffee shops and other stores often have community bulletin boards where you can post your flyer. You should also ask local pet stores if you can post your sign there, so that people who already care about animals will see it.

    • 2

      Go online and visit local Freecycle groups, where people post lists of things that they are discarding, for free or for trade. You can either wait until someone posts about giving away pet supplies, or create a post yourself asking for donations. Former pet owners will often have dog houses, beds, leftover food, and other supplies that they want to get rid of.

    • 3

      Visit a local pet store and ask if they would like to make a donation to your organization. Perhaps the organization would be willing to publicly thank the pet store, or recommend them to customers, in exchange. This way, the pet store will receive good publicity, and your rescue organization will be able to collect surplus dog houses and other supplies from the pet store.